It is a addin for Visual Studio 2005 & 2008 which aids in building .NET appserver rules, available here
The addin places a new toolwindow into the VS ide, listing all the tables within a Pivotal BM. From here, you can drag and drop fields, queries and tables into your code, as well as generating full constants and appserver scripts. On installation, there will be a new option, Pivotal CRM Addin under the View / Other windows menu. You will have to connect to the appropriate database on first run, as well as load the configuration file.
It has the following features in this first release.
- Drag and drop fields, queries and tables from addin into current project code, including mulitple select.
- Create full appserver rule definition, or constants class
- Detailing of Active Forms, Tabs, Segments and fields, including properties etc.
- Jump between foreign key field and it's linking field
- Jump to the field definition for an active form field
- XML configuration of constant and class generation
- Support for Microsoft SQL Server & Oracle databases.
I want to expand it to be more useful to Sedna projects, but I have not got my head around the XML that a form generates yet, but someone might be able to help with that.
Think I should also mention that this is no way endorsed or developed by CDC Software or it's subsidiaries. Pivotal and other trademarks are owned by CDC Software.
Let me know what you think, and whether it is worth expanding on.