Friday, 21 December 2007

Ho Ho Ho

Hope everyone has a good break, whether they celebrate Xmas or not.

Here's to a great 2008, and hope it is a succesful and happy one for you and yours.

Piv Dev

Tuesday, 11 December 2007


Following on from my dig at the amount of docuementation available for Pivotal Rich Client and a users question on the official forum about getting the system name, I thought I would document some of the functions / properties I find useful within the RSysClient interface.

First of all, these are all in the 5.9 API Reference, available from eservice / epartner

API Reference

All these functions are called with the UIMaster.RSysClient. prefix


SystemName - gives you the bit in the middle of the calling URL - Offline / Production / Live etc
ServerName - gives you the name of the Lifecycle Server - may be the same as the webhost, maybe not
UserId - Id of the current user
UserName - Login id of the current user
EmployeeId - Employee Id of current user
InitialUrl - Gives you the web host


EqualIds(FirstId, SecondId) - returns true if 2 Ids are identical. You can not do if (firstid = secondid). A common one for me is

if UIMaster.RsysClient.EqualIds(rstPrimary.Fields(strFieldName).OriginalValue, rstPrimary.Fields(strFieldName).Value) then

This check to see if an Id field has changed since the form was loaded.

GetClientScript(ScriptName) - use to associate a script with a button / form / event on the fly

GetForm(FormName) - really useful when you want to execute a function on another appserver.
set MyForm = UIMaster.RUICenter.GetForm(FormName)

myform.execute Function, Parameters

They do this to get employee information (onportalloaded within the CMS)

GetTable, SQLSearch - Really usefult to lookup a value, such as putting in a specific employee or support status

with UIMaster.RSysClient

valueIwant = .SQLSearch(.GetTable(TableName).Fields(FieldNametolookin).FieldId, ValuetoLookfor, .GetTable(tablename).Fields(fieldyouwantback).FieldId)

end with